François Le Forestier
Christopher NEVE a assisté la direction de ma campagne législative notamment dans sa dimension numérique (Réseaux sociaux, site internet...). Dans un contexte politique défavorable, il a fait preuve de loyauté, de constance et d'un très grand sens d'adaptation. Je lui en suis très reconnaissant

Jacques Kinyongo
It is not common to find a developer as complete and competent in terms of technical skills as Christopher. It took me very little time to notice his programming skills. Christopher is a conscientious programmer, willing with good intentions and concerned about the quality of code delivered on a daily basis. Reasons why I recommend it with your eyes closed.

Ross Doherty
Christopher’s main responsibilities were development of the software solution within an agile development team.
I was glad to have the opportuinity to have Christopher in my team, and he brought to the team a number of new positive ways in working, which we continue to use today. Christopher showed great willingness and abilitiy in taking any tasks provided to him.
Christopher was great addition to his team – had a positive and professional attitude at all times, and received very positive feedback from his peers. I am sure that Christopher would be a positive influence and great addition to any team he joins, during his career.

Corentin Jechoux
J'ai engagé Christopher pour une mission visant à apporter des innovations sur l'espace client.
Christopher est un développeur passionné par son métier. Il a produit du code de qualité et a su se remettre en question et toujours progresser quand cela était nécessaire.
Il s'est aussi montré à l'aise dans toutes les phases du cycle de vie dans notre environnement Agile : refinement, review, retro, planning, code, test unitaire, support, analyse d'incident, etc...
Je le recommande fortement pour de prochaines missions. Il s'est monter en compétence rapidement sur d'autres technologies dont il n'a pas encore la maîtrise.